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Tips for meditation and manifesting success that no one is telling you!

We all spend hours looking through podcasts, meditations, mantras, and inspirational quotes that help us ignite the aspects of our minds we want to inspire. While all these things are great to practice, not everyone sees results.

We have mass amounts of resources at our fingertips, yet 300 million people worldwide still struggle with some form of depression. Battling certain emotions can be hard especially when we fail to understand the inner conflicts of our unconscious mind.

Genetic Programming

Genetic Memory, the memory that is stored within our DNA, has traveled with us through centuries. Genetic memories carry a vast amount of information such as emotions, habits and irrational fears. It is one of the most understudied neurological factors in dealing with self-destructive behavior. Yet it is also, one of the most important aspects of overcoming these same behaviors and allowing us to achieve success.

Generational programming is the most discussed form of genetic memory. Scientists test the emotions and habits of adults who were in traumatic experiences during embryo through the first 6 years of life.

The results show that those whose parents dealt with trauma tended to pass those emotions on to their children and as adults, they struggle unconsciously with those same experiences. Understanding that you are a product of past experiences is fundamental to future growth. You can't move forward until you remove boundaries that hold you back.

Take some time to think about habits that do not serve your higher purpose. Do you see those same habits in other members of your family? What triggers those emotions and how do you handle them? We want to unlearn those triggers by shining a light on them and figuring out alternative emotional responses. Understanding you can consciously choose to be different than who your environment unconsciously forces you to be is a powerful experience and takes practice. These are great questions to ask yourself during meditation and can be incorporated into daily affirmations.

Unconsciously manifesting negativity.

Manifestations are said to be nonphysical words, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that we focus on and introduce into physical reality. They are great for constructing alignments to the things that we desire to change, understand or acquire. Our thoughts, emotions, and reality are all based on the consumption of information we keep in constant rotation within our unconscious mind but manifestations use all of the information we consume whether we are consciously or unconsciously aware of it.

We were all birthed with the understanding of a universal language.

Vibrations, sounds, and frequency are what we all understand at a very fundamental level. All of our senses receive these frequencies as information, that information is transferred to the mind and used to create our realities.

These unconscious manifestations occur much more frequently and more subtly in our day to day lives which is why this topic is very overlooked and insufficiently studied. So how does unconscious manifestation occur? When we listen to our favorite songs, eat our favorite food and watch our favorite shows we are consuming information. This information gets input into our bodies and broken down into the genetic structure. Ever heard of the term "You are what you eat?" Well, it's true in a very literal way. We eat food for the energy it gives us, Meat, for example, carries very little to no energy that transfers to us when we consume it causing a lower, negative reaction within our manifestations. Watching murder mysteries can easily program violence, pain, and hostility. Sounds from the music we listen to or the people we communicate with, can all carry negative energy that can transfer to us and create unwanted negativity in our life.

How do you align yourself?

What do you allow into your subconscious mind? Do the things you consume align with your higher self? Take some time to think about the patterns you create in your daily routines and be mindful of the energy you allow around you, and the reality you are creating.


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